Published Works
My books, whether for children or adults, are intended to help the reader be more mindful, grateful, and capable of living intentionally.

Join Lucy Cate, a grumpy little owl, as she learns how to use "thank yous" to brighten up any day. What are the things you feel thankful for? Write them down and start feeling happy about the "thank yous" in your life."But if I start each brand new day with three 'thank yous' right away the things that stink will start to shrink and will not cause my heart to sink."

Lucy Cate, May Pearl and their new friend Pedro Pig learn how food and behavior can make you feel good or bad. This book was a collaboration with Dr. Suzannah Bozzone (lifestyle medicine diplomate and family practice MD) helps parents with guidance and recipes at the end of this book. Kids can help make most of these simple recipes as well!
"Nature has a yummy rainbow that can fix our yucky feeling. All the colors nature grows contain mighty, mighty healing."

Lucy Cate and her friend May Pearl learn to feel good about themselves no matter what the "mean girls" say. Find out how they did it!
"Don't let the mean girls make you blue. Their conduct is not valid. You're smart and weird and funny too. You are a beauty salad!

This is a daily practice, gratitude and goal-setting journal that is specifically for dancers. When I was a full-time dancer, I remember being driven, hard-working, passionate and determined. I also remember being extremely hard on myself, mean to myself, and impatient with myself. Now, years after my dancing prime, I realize how much self-inflicted misery I felt and how much I held myself back by not being kinder and more patient with myself.Use this journal to set goals with clarity,feel gratitude for gifts you have, grow and develop as anartist and athlete. Cherish yourself and your gifts -- yourabilities will blossom with kindness, clarity of purpose, andhabit.